Industrial Maintenance: Know the 3 main types of Maintenance for your company!

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Industrial maintenance  corresponds to a set of operational, which aim at the proper functioning of equipment and installations, guaranteeing that these are intervened in due time, in order to prevent damage from occurring and cause a decrease in performance.


Maintenance is thus the combination of management, technical and economic tasks, applied with a view to optimising life cycles.


3 Types of Industrial Maintenance:


  • Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance is a type of maintenance aimed at preventing the occurrence of malfunctions and ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the equipment. This type of maintenance allows to ensure the continuity of the equipment’s operation, with only stops for scheduled maintenance and in this way the company will have greater consistency in compressing the production plans.



  • Corrective Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance is understood to be the maintenance carried out after the detection of a fault and intended to restore the equipment to proper functioning.
Therefore, it is intended for the repair of equipment after the breakdown, with no time to plan the intervention service.



  • Controlled industrial maintenance:

In terms of Controlled Industrial Maintenance’s actions, they are implemented when there is evidence of an imminent malfunction in the equipment. Are interventions that fall within the field of Smart Maintenance, used only in case of needs.


Get to know in detail the Industrial Maintenance different strategies. Talk to one of our specialists and discover the benefits each practice can bring to your company.



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